prestashop-1.6-1.7-8.0 Prestashop OpenAI Integration PRO - AI Smart Content generation


Staff member
The OpenAI Integration PRO module for Prestashop is a cutting-edge tool that leverages the power of artificial intelligence to generate high-quality content like product description, blog posts, and other types of content for your online store.



The OpenAI Integration PRO module for Prestashop is a cutting-edge tool that leverages the power of artificial intelligence to generate high-quality content like product description, blog posts, and other types of content for your online store.


Saves time and resources: With the OpenAI Integration PRO module, you can generate high-quality, SEO-optimized content for your online store in a matter of minutes, without having to spend hours writing and editing content yourself or hiring a team of writers.

Improves SEO rankings: The content generated by the OpenAI Integration PRO module is optimized for search engines, which can help improve your store's SEO rankings and drive more organic traffic to your website.

Enhances customer engagement: The content generated by the module is designed to engage and resonate with your target audience, which can help increase customer engagement, boost sales, and improve customer loyalty.

Offers flexibility and customization: The module allows you to choose from a variety of content types and styles, and you can customize the content generated to match your brand voice and tone, making it a versatile tool for any type of business.

Provides a competitive edge: By leveraging the power of AI-powered content generation, you can stay ahead of the competition and differentiate your store from others in your industry, helping to attract and retain customers over the long term.


Bulk content generation
You can generate large amounts of content at once, saving you time and resources while ensuring that your store has a consistent and engaging content strategy.

Cron Job Ready
Generate content for your products using the advanced Cron Job options of the module.

Prompt Templates
Create Message Prompt Templates for fast use on product page, bulk content generation, top-bar CTA button.

Log History
The OpenAI Integration PRO Module has the ability to store a log of all OpenAI prompts along with the received answer.

Advanced AI technology
The module uses state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology to generate high-quality content for your online store, ensuring that the content is engaging, relevant, and optimized for search engines.

Playground form
OpenAI API playground form where you can test and perform any type of content generation.

Product page description generation form
We added a dedicated form to help you generate intuitive product descriptions instantly.

Backoffice Top bar dedicated button
Any page of your backoffice will now have a special CTA Button that will open a popup. This popup will help you generate the content you need in seconds.

Multiple content types:
The module supports a wide range of content types, including product descriptions, category descriptions, blog articles, and more, making it a versatile tool for any type of business.

Customizable content
You can customize the content generated by the module to match your brand voice and tone, ensuring that it fits seamlessly with your existing content and messaging.

SEO optimization
The content generated by the module is optimized for search engines, with keywords, meta descriptions, and other elements designed to help improve your store's SEO rankings.

User-friendly interface
The module is easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that allows you to generate content with just a few clicks.

Fast and efficient
The module generates content quickly and efficiently, allowing you to create high-quality content for your store in a matter of minutes.

Multilingual support
The module supports multiple languages, making it a great tool for businesses that operate in multiple countries or serve customers who speak different languages.

Regular updates and support
The module is regularly updated with new features and improvements, and includes support from a dedicated team of experts to help you get the most out of the tool.




    296 KB · Views: 26


New member
Thanks that's great.
I have a question I bought a module but the author encrypted the database (Well I guess) with Ironcube, I would like to know if anyone would know how to unlock this encryption in order to use the module freely.
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Staff member
Thanks that's great.
I have a question I bought a module but the author encrypted the database (Well I guess) with Ironcube, I would like to know if anyone would know how to unlock this encryption in order to use the module freely.
which module?


New member
Yes I know but I don't want it, because it adds a lot of lines of code which weigh down the websites. In addition, it creates redundancy. Anyway I already bought the module otherwise do you know how it can be decoded? If you manage to decode it I offer it to everyone you will put it on the forum, I don't care if I paid as long as I can have it unlocked