prestashop-1.6-1.7-8.0 FG PrestaShop to WordPress/WooCommerce import premium v4.28.0


Staff member
FG PrestaShop to WooCommerce” is a WordPress plugin that migrates the PrestaShop e-commerce solution to WooCommerce on WordPress.

link product: FG PrestaShop to WooCommerce - Frédéric

Version: 4.28.0
  • Compatible with PrestaShop 1.0 to 1.7
  • Migrates the products
  • Migrates the product categories
  • Migrates the CMS categories
  • Migrates the CMS articles
  • Migrates the media (images, PDF,…)
  • Migrates the external media
  • Migrates the tags
  • Migrates the product features
  • Migrates the product accessories as cross-sells or as up-sells
  • Migrates the product combinations
  • Migrates the product variations images
  • Migrates the virtual products
  • Migrates the downloadable products
  • Migrates the employees
  • Migrates the customers
  • Migrates the orders
  • Migrates the ratings and reviews
  • Migrates the discounts/vouchers
  • Migrates the user's passwords
  • Migrates the navigation menus
  • Migrates the tax rules groups
  • Ability to migrate only the customers or the orders
  • SEO: redirects PrestaShop URLs
  • SEO: migrates the meta title, description, and keywords (compatible with Yoast SEO plugin)
  • It can be used to do dropshipping: automatic import by cron
  • Allows the use of add-ons
  • Multiple imports


  • fg-prestashop-to-woocommerce-premium (1).zip
    194.9 KB · Views: 48