prestashop-1.7-8.0 Hide Price & Hide Add to Cart Button V 1.1.1


Staff member
Prestashop Hide Price & Hide Add to Cart Button module enables you to hide price or add to cart button from logged-in, non logged-in users based on multiple criteria. Hide price and cart button for specific user groups, categories or products.


Prestashop Hide Price & Hide Add to Cart Button module enables you to hide price or add to cart button from logged-in, non logged-in users based on multiple criteria. Hide price and cart button for specific user groups, categories or products.


Prestashop Hide Price module is a simple yet powerful tool that allows merchants to hide prices or cart buttons from the users thus restricting them from the purchase. Admin can also show a customized message in place of price containing the information as to why the price is not accessible or how users can access it. Admin can also only show price but hide add to cart button.

The rules-based design gives you the flexibility to show or hide prices contingent on particular conditions. You can hide the price and add to cart button for non-logged-in customers. You can also restrict shopping of particular categories or products.

The Prestashop Hide Add to Cart is also perfect for B2B customers as the admin can hide add to cart button based on customer groups. This gives you the ability to show prices to only one or more customer groups containing b2b users who can then make a purchase and hide it from your normal customers.

The WYSIWYG editor allows you to show customized messages in place of the price that can include multimedia such as a picture or a video.



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