Opencart-Blog module for Opencart 3.0

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The blog module is needed by an online store for article search engine promotion of the site. It's no secret that the more original thematic information you have on your site, the more visitors from search engines you will receive, and, accordingly, this can increase sales. It is better to write articles yourself - who better than yourself understands the specifics of your business direction. You need to write high-quality unique text and the more - then your site is guaranteed to attract many visitors, some of which may become your customers.

The main functions of the Opencart 3.x Blog module:
- creating categories, subcategories of articles
- creating articles linked to blog categories
- SEO support (CNC)
- SEO-optimization: the ability to set H1, Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords
- related articles
- linking products and displaying them in the article
- two templates for displaying articles: grid, list
- sharing buttons in social networks
- own commenting system
- two modules for output in position: categories module and articles module
- articles get into sitemap.xml and HTML sitemaps

Instructions for installing the module:
1. You must have the localcopy fix installed
2. Upload the module archive through the admin panel in the Install modules section
3. Update Modifications in admin panel
4. Grant rights to System > Users > User groups > Administrators, put all the checkboxes in the first two blocks.
5. Then you need to go to the admin panel Blog > Settings to create the module tables in the database.
6. Now you can start creating categories, articles.
7. If you need to display the modules in the position of the site - enable and display the modules Blog: Latest Articles and Blog: Categories.
8. On the website, the blog page will be available at http://yourwebsite/index.php?route=blog/home


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