OpenCart-Credits of Ukrainian banks: payment in installments and instant installment (Privatbank), purchase in installments (Monobank) v1.0.5

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Module for integrating your store with online services Payment by installments and Instant installment from Privatbank and Purchase by installments from Monobank!
Main features:
- credits button on the product page ;
- displaying icons of available credits in the button indicating the maximum payment;
- a pop-up window with a monthly installment calculator;
- sorting of loan types;
- disabling promotions and discounts for each type of loan;
- disabling the possibility of buying in credits goods that are not in stock;
- selection of the loan term on the checkout page;
- the ability to select certain goods available for registration on credit;
- restriction on the maximum and minimum cost of goods available for registration on credit;
- the ability to set a markup or discount on goods issued on credit;
- the ability to set a margin depending on the term of the loan;
- the ability to set the maximum credit period for all goods;
- the ability to set maximum credit terms and margins for each product individually;
- Possibility of registration with payment holding;
- activation of product availability directly in the product card in the admin panel;
- customizing the appearance and location of the credit button in the admin panel of the module;
- displaying the payment amount on the registration page when changing the loan term;
- switching in the admin panel types of Privatbank loans;
- compatibility with the Simple module - simplified registration and ordering;


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