Opencart-Related options for Opencart 3

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The "Related options 3" module allows you to specify dependent option values for products (available combinations of related
options). This is useful when products have interdependent options (characteristics).
For example, the "Color" and "Size" options for clothes.

After installing the module, on the module settings page, you can specify which options should be linked (define
the necessary options for combinations of linked options). On the product editing page, an additional tab "Related options" will be displayed, where you can set the available combinations of option values for a particular product.

Attention - this is a version for Opencart 3.*

The main functions and features of the module:

combine/link any number of options of types "List" ("select"), "Switch" ("radio") and "Image" ("image")
specify individual values "Model", "SKU", "UPC", "EAN ", "Location", "Out of stock", "Weight", "Price", "Price prefix", "Discounts", "Promotions" for combinations of related options search for products by the value of the "Model" field specified for combinations of related options
( in the administration panel and directly in the store)
use different variants of related options for different products (for example, "color + size" for some products, "length + width" for others, etc.)
limit the choice of the buyer to only available combinations of options (other values, depending on the settings of the module, are either hidden or made inaccessible)
choose the values of related options on the product page in any order, all restrictions will immediately apply to other options (for example, the buyer can start the selection from the last option), or use step-by-step selection of options (the buyer must first select the value of the first option, then the second, etc. .)
display on the product page for the buyer the "Clear parameters" button, which resets all selected option values (optional)
keep a record of the quantity (remains) in the context of sets of related options
prohibit adding goods to the cart if the quantity entered by the buyer exceeds the balance the current balance for the selected combination of options (optional)
automatically select a specific combination of options when a customer opens a product page (optional)
do not affect products that do not have associated options (if no associated options are specified for the product, this product and its options will work in the standard way)
import/export combinations of associated options in XLS format (requires PHPExcel library)
"Associated Options 3" module is fully compatible ( and recommended for use) with modules Dynamic Price Update - Live Price 3. or Live price 3 PRO. Without them, the price on the product page does not change when choosing options. Images are changed using the Options Images 3 PRO or Options Images 3 Ultimate modules, which are also fully compatible with "Related Options 3"

Compatibility: OpenCart 3.*, OCStore 3.*
The module is compatible with most templates/themes (including Journal2 and 3).
If you still have any problems, write to us, we will try to help.

Dear English-speaking visitors,
for all purchases on we are able to provide only Russian- speaking support and the fact that a customer do not speak
Russian is not considered as a valid reason for a refund. So if you do not speak English, please purchase the modules on the official opencart marketplace - . You also can find the complete list of our modules available on on our website .

Does not work on the Revolution template for Opencart 3. Modification for this template is paid - $ 250. It may not work on some templates, please contact after purchase - we will try to help you. The presence of a template in the list of supported ones most likely indicates that the module will work
on the product page, correct work without paid improvements in other places (categories, modules, quick order and quick view) is not guaranteed. We reserve the right to refuse support in case of:
1) illegal use of any modules and templates on the user's site.
2) failure to provide access to your site or its complete copy hosted on your server

Compatibility with commercial templates is added free of charge, upon request. Compatibility with "homemade" templates is added for a fee. Free support for the module ends 12 months after purchase.
To extend it, you need to purchase the module again. However, the module itself will work without extending support.

Upload file via install extensions
Update modification cache
Update template cache (if enabled)
Install module in module list
Edit module settings
This module is a commercial add-on. Do not post it on download sites or transfer it
copies to others. By purchasing a module, you acquire the right to use it on one site (license). If you need to use the module on multiple sites, you must purchase a separate copy (license) of the module for each site.


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