Opencart-Reviews with photos and videos Opencart v3.2 NULLED

The module replaces standard reviews with advanced ones with the ability to add photos and videos, likes and comments. Consists of 3 main parts:
1) The main part is displayed on the product page in the "Reviews" tab, replaces the standard reviews;
2) Page with all product reviews;
3) Module "Carousel of reviews". It can display the latest or random reviews on any page of the site, through layouts;

Information: Отзывы о товарах с фото и видео Opencart Ex-reviews Functionality: 1) Adding photos and videos to the review. Overlay watermark when uploading photos. 2) Tree-like structure of reviews - the ability to leave comments on reviews. 3) A page with all product reviews.

4) Carousel of product reviews (you can display the latest/random/useful reviews):
5) Customizing the appearance of the module from the settings in the admin panel.
6) Notification of new reviews to the Administrator's Email.
7) Notification of the publication of a review to the user. Notification when comments are received on a review.
8) Automatic accrual of bonus points for reviews, you can set a different number of bonuses for reviews with photos / videos.
9) Evaluation of reviews (likes / dislikes). Added the ability to accrue bonus points for the benefit of the review (received likes).
10) Loading reviews using the "Show more" button.
11) Various types of sorting: by date, rating, benefit, presence of photos and videos.
12) It is possible to respond to reviews from the admin panel marked "official representative of the store" under any name.
13) Flexible settings for uploaded photos - you can set a limit on the number, size, select the size of photos and thumbnails after saving.
14) Responsive layout - the module looks great both on computers and on mobile devices.
15) Micromarking ( with the ability to enable / disable from the admin panel.


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