prestashop-1.6 Prestashop 1.6 Creative Elements - live Theme & Page Builder VERIFIED


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It’s about time for a live page builder, with no limits of design. A page builder that delivers high-end page designs and advanced capabilities, never before seen on PrestaShop. With Creative Elements, everything is done visually and without code.




It’s about time for a live page builder, with no limits of design. A page builder that delivers high-end page designs and advanced capabilities, never before seen on PrestaShop. With Creative Elements, everything is done visually and without code.


Instant drag & drop page builder, instant live edit, instant page load. The speed of Creative Elements is not matched by any other page builder, free or paid. This makes the interface fun and easy to work with, as well as reduces the time it takes to design.

Live Design. Truly live.
Never again work on the backend and guess what the frontend will look like. With Creative Elements page builder, you edit the page and simultaneously see exactly how it looks like. The module features live design & inline editing, so the whole process of writing and designing is done directly on the page, with no need to press update or go to preview mode.

Build your PrestaShop pages
With Creative Elements you can extend your already existing pages or you can build them from the ground up. The editor works with any theme that meets PrestaShop standards. The Theme Builder in Creative Elements turns the entire process of creating PrestaShop stores 100% visual including your site’s header, footer, home page, product page, product quickview design and more.

Pre-designed templates and blocks
Choose from a growing number of beautiful full page PrestaShop templates and customize them to make them your own. You can also build your page by choosing from pre-made Blocks.

Blocks are pre-designed section templates that can be easily combined into any page. Blocks include a variety of categories: services, testimonials, call to action and more. Save and reuse Creative Element templates on different pages, or export them to a different website with a click.

Mobile editing
This Page Builder comes with an exclusive toolset, that lets you create truly a responsive website in a whole new and visual way. From different font size, padding and margin per device, to show/hide individual elements, this is the most powerful mobile page builder for creating perfect responsive websites.


90+ widgets and counting
We packed 90 of the most useful widgets into our page builder, so you can reach the top of your design capabilities.

Basic widgets
Inner Section: Create inner columns within the column.
Heading: Add eye-catching headlines.
Image: Control the size, opacity and other settings of images.
Text Editor: A WYSIWYG text editor, just like the PrestaShop rich-text editor.
Video: Add YouTube/Vimeo/Self-hosted video to your page.
Button: Controlling every aspect of the button design.
Divider: A line that divides different elements in the page.
Spacer: A space that divides the various elements.
Google Maps: Embed maps into the page.
Icon: Place one or more of 2000+ icons available.

General widgets
Image Box: A box that includes image, headline and text.
Icon Box: Works the same as the image box, only with icons.
Image Gallery: Add and style beautiful image galleries on your pages.
Image Carousel: A rotating carousel or slider of chosen images.
Star Rating: Add some social proof with a styled star rating.
Icon List: A bullet list with any chosen icon and text.
Counter: Show stats and numbers in an escalating manner.
Progress Bar: Include an escalating progress bar.
Testimonial: Customer testimonials that show social proof.
Tabs: Display different pieces of content in horizontal or vertical tabs.
Accordion: A collapsible display of content.
Toggle: Like Accordion, for FAQ pages.
Social Icons: Icons to your social pages like Facebook / Instagram / Twitter.
Alert: A colored alert box to draw the attention of the visitor.
Shortcode: Insert any custom hook to your pages.
HTML: Insert code into the page.
Menu Anchor: Link any menu to this anchor.

Catalog widgets
Product Grid: Display your Featured Products / Prices Drop / New Products / Best Sales / Recently Viewed / Related Products from the shop in a grid.
Product Carousel: Displays products from the shop like Product Grid, but in a carousel.
Product Box: Displays a product from the shop.
Category Tree: Help visualize the navigation on your store, show your visitors the current category and subcategories.
Category Grid: Display a grid of categories, and customize their appearance.
Category List: Display a list of categories, with options to style and format the list.

Premium widgets
Animated Headline: Create attention grabbing headlines that either rotate or include highlighted animation.
Creative Slider: You can embed advanced sliders if you have the Creative Slider module.
Call to Action: Create beautiful boxes that combine an image, some text, and a button.
Flip Box: Create animated boxes that flip to the other side, once the visitor hovers over them.
Image Hotspot: Create interactive images that can help you highlight relevant information, boost engagement and increase conversions for your shop.
Contact Form: Design contact form on your shop to allow your site’s visitors to get in touch with you.
Email Subscription: Design your newsletter subscription form and collect more subscribers.
Countdown: Add a countdown timer to your shop to generate more activity.
Testimonial Carousel: Add custom testimonials to your shop pages in a carousel.
Facebook Page: Embed and promote your Facebook Page.
Facebook Button: Add the possibility to your visitors to 'Like' the actual or a custom page on your shop.
TrustedShops Reviews: Show your visitors that they can trust in your shop.
Template: This widget inserts a saved template into your page.
Image Slider: Show a simple image slider with title and description.
Category Tree: Help visualize the navigation on your store, show your visitors the current category and subcategories.
Module: You can embed modules from 3rd-party developers.

Site widgets
Site Logo: Site Logo widget is a dynamic widget that displays the Site Logo.
Site Title: Site Title widget is a dynamic widget that displays the Site Title.
Nav Menu: The Nav Menu widget lets you use menus that you’ve created and design them in whatever way you want.
Shopping Cart: Add a full customizable sidebar cart to your shop.
AJAX Search: Add a superfast search bar anywhere on your shop.
Sign in: Add a sign in widget with custom user menu.
Language Selector: Display your shop languages in a drop menu.
Currency Selector: Display your shop currencies in a drop menu.
Breadcrumb: This widget help users understand their current location within a website’s hierarchy.

Product widgets
⦁ Product Name: Use this widget to control the style and layout of the Product Title on the Product page or on the Product quickview.
⦁ Product Badges: Add product badges like Sale, New, Pack, Out-of-stock and design them on the Product page.
⦁ Product Images: Add product images gallery to the Product page.
⦁ Product Image: Add a selected product image to the Product page.
⦁ Product Price: Set the style and position of the Product Price on the Product page.
⦁ Product Rating: Set the style and position of the Product Rating within the Product template.
⦁ Sale Countdown: Show your visitors when the sale will end on your Product page.
⦁ Brand Image: Show the actual product’s brand image.
⦁ Product Meta: Display your product’s meta information, like Category, Brand, References, etc…
⦁ Short Description: Use this widget to control the layout and style of the product Short Description on Product page.
⦁ Product Variations: Display and design the product variations (drop-down, radio buttons, color/texture buttons).
Product Customization: Show the product customization options and design them.
⦁ Product Stock: Set and design product stock information.
⦁ Product Quantity: Add a product quantity input field and customize it.
⦁ Add to Cart: Display an Add to Cart / Buy Now button on the Product page or View Full Details on the Product quickview.
⦁ Add to Wishlist: Add a customizable Add to Wishlist icon to the Product page.
⦁ Product Features: Display and design product features on the Product page.
⦁ Product Description: Show and design the full product description on the Product page.
⦁ Product Attachments: Display product attachments on the Product page.
⦁ Product Share: Display social icons for sharing the Product page on Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest.
⦁ Product Block: With this widget you can insert any block of your actual theme on the Product page.

Category widgets
Category Name: Use this widget to control the style and layout of the Category Title on the Category page.
Category Image: Add and customize a featured image for the Category page.
Subcategory Grid: Display a grid of subcategories within the current category, and customize their appearance.
Subcategory List: Display a list of subcategories within the current category, with options to style and format the list.
Filters: Add and design filtering options for products within the category, such as by price, brand, or attributes.
Active Filters: Show currently applied filters and provide an option to remove them.
Category Description: Control the layout and style of the category description on the Category page.
Additional Description: Add and style an extra description section for the category.
Sorting: Provide sorting options for the products within the category, such as by relevance, price, or rating.
Products: Display and customize the list of products within the category.
Pagination: Add and style pagination controls for navigating through the products within the category.
Listing Info: Show and design additional information related to the product listing, such as the number of products found.
Listing Block: Insert any block from your theme into the Category page.
Listing Template: Insert Listing types templates into your category for reusability.
⦁ And counting…

Multilingual and RTL support
We’ve integrated RTL and multi language support within the framework of our page builder, so you get a translated panel out of the box, as well as RTL typography support, and developer options to add even more languages.


With Creative Elements do I still need a theme?
Yes. Think of it like this: a theme is like the frame of the picture, and Creative Elements is the tool to paint the picture inside the frame.

What themes are compatible with Creative Elements?
Creative Elements is compatible with any themes that are following the PrestaShop standards.

Do I have to modify my whole theme if I install the module, or can I edit only certain content?
If you would like, you can replace certain parts of your theme that you don’t like. For example, a header, a footer, or just creating product descriptions with rich media content which sells better.

How can I access the Premium Templates?
The premium template collection is available with an active subscription. We are expanding this library from time to time to always follow current design trends.

Are you part of the Elementor team?
The module is based on Elementor but we are not part of Elementor company. This means the operation may be familiar from Elementor, but has been significantly redesigned to meet PrestaShop standards and fit into the ecosystem. With our many years of experience at WebshopWorks, our main goal is quality development and always bringing the latest technologies to PrestaShop.

Can I edit my blog posts with Creative Elements?
You can edit the blog posts of the most popular modules: Prestablog, ETS Blog, Business Blog PRO, Advance Blog, XIP Blog, ST Blog, ThemeVolty Blog. If you can't find your blog engine in the list, please contact us.

Can I use other modules inside Creative Elements?
Sure you can! 3rd-party modules will appear in the Module Widget automatically. Just drag and drop it onto the page and select the module you want.

Do I need to know how to code to use Creative Elements?
Absolutely not! Creative Elements is a live frontend builder, that lets you reach a high-end design with no need to write even a line of code or CSS.


VERSION 1.4.10


  • 1.4.10-creativeelements(1).zip
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