prestashop-1.6-1.7-8.0 Prestashop Translate content - Free and unlimited translation


Staff member
Translate all the content of your shop automatically! With more than 15000 shops translated into more than 110 languages since its creation, Translate content is the best translation module.



*********** We do not charge any additional fees after the purchase of the module. **********

NEW : We are now offering our translation service completely free of charge and unlimited, with no need to register.

Do you want to automatically translate all the content of your store? You have hundreds or thousands of products, categories, attributes, features, images, etc.? You don't want to waste weeks manually translating your store? The Translate content module is for you!

Translate content has many advantages over other modules:

  • Translate content is the most powerful and cheapest translation module available.

  • No matter how much data needs to be translated, everything will be translated! Most of our clients have been able to translate their shops with several thousand products.

  • Our free and unlimited translation service is included

  • The best translation services are available (Google, Microsoft, Yandex and DeepL) so you just have to choose the one you want to use.

  • Your shop is translated in one click! The translations are saved directly in your database and will appear in your back-office and front-office as if you had translated your shop manually, you can modify them at any time!

  • Links, URLs and keywords are also translated and the formatting (colors, size, alignment, etc.) of all texts is well preserved

Integrated tools:

  • Automatic translation: The content is automatically translated with each modification without having to go through our module
  • Word exclusion: Define a list of words that will not be translated
  • Smart dictionary: Customize translations by setting the translations you want for certain words
  • Find and Replace: Find and replace words or phrases in your store's content easily.

How does your module work?

Once you have selected the languages you wish to translate, our module takes care of making the translations and saving them directly into the PrestaShop database.
Our module also translates all metadata and your links.

You can change the translations at any time, they will appear in your back office as if you had done them manually!

What will be translated?

All the content of your shop will be translated: products, categories, cms pages, attributes and characteristics, images, links, etc!

Here is the list of tables in your database that will be translated:
  • product_lang
  • category_lang
  • cms_lang
  • attribute_lang
  • attribute_group_lang
  • attachment_lang
  • carrier_lang
  • cart_rule_lang
  • cms_category_lang
  • contact_lang
  • customization_field_lang
  • feature_lang
  • feature_value_lang
  • gender_lang
  • homeslider_slides_lang
  • image_lang
  • linksmenutop_lang
  • manufacturer_lang
  • meta_lang
  • order_message_lang
  • order_return_state_lang
  • order_state_lang
  • profile_lang
  • quick_access_lang
  • reassurance_lang
  • risk_lang
  • stock_mvt_reason_lang
  • supplier_lang
  • supply_order_state_lang
  • psreassurance_lang



    3.6 MB · Views: 136


New member
Hi! Thank you for sharing. Do you have the latest version? Is it possible to unblock the modules translation section? Thank you in advance