prestashop-1.6-1.7-8.0 Prestashop Warehouse - Prestashop theme with elementor Free download VERIFIED


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Warehouse is a clean, powerfull HTML5 responsive prestashop theme.


  • WAREHOUSE 4.6.x for Prestashop 8.x
  • WAREHOUSE 4.5.x for Prestashop 1.7.8.x


[PS 8.1] 4.6.4 - 13.10.2023
- instagram widget fix - required action after upgrade - How to get instagram token

[PS 1.7.8] 4.5.9 - 13.10.2023
- instagram widget fix - required action after upgrade - How to get instagram token

[PS 8.1] 4.6.3 11.10.2023
- compability check with ps 8.1.2
- upgraded version of revolution slider
- iqitelementor: min-hegiht of section can now be set separatly per viewport
- iqitelementor: to add link to "links widget" title

- removal of deprecated addthis plugin
- problem with image zoom in modal with webP images enabled
- php notice related to webimages on product page
- iqitelementor: fixed section height on editor preview
- iqitadditionaltabs: edit on product page v2
- iqitextendedproduct: translations issues
- iqitmegamenu: fixed problem with tabs position reorder in drag and drop mobile menu
- iqiwishlist: possible to preview another custom wishlist when alreay logged on own account
- iqitthemeeditor: problem with special characters in custom css
- blog: problem with related products
- few other small bugfixes

'[PS 8.1] 4.6.2 21.07.2023
- upgrade for ps 8.1.1
- webp image support of prestashop 8.1
- tiktok ikon in socialmedia

- some translations issues
- few other small bugfixes

[PS 8.0] 4.6.1
- possible to disable or change font size of mobile menu header

- iqitreviews rich snippets
- some bugfixes in new mobile menu
- fix for blog posts search
- fix in elementor modules widget call

[PS 1.7.8] 4.5.8
- possible to disable or change font size of mobile menu header

- iqitreviews rich snippets
- some bugfixes in new mobile menu
- fix for blog posts search

[PS 8.0] 4.6.0
- Compabilty with new Prestashop 8.0
- Compabilty with PHP 8

- new options for mobile menu
- possible to use separate drag&drop menu constructor for mobile

[PS 1.7.8] 4.5.7
- new options for mobile menu
- possible to use separate drag&drop menu constructor for mobile

[PS 1.7.8] 4.5.6
- new options for mobile menu in thmeeditor:
- old mobile menu
- mobile menu as panel instead of accordion
- transform horizontal drag and drop menu into mobile friendly format

- iqitelementor - show section as slideshow - helpfull for creation simple html carusels
- you can use few banner widgets and show them as slideshow instead grid
- IQITEXTENDEDPRODUCT - new position options, show videos and 360 pictures directly in image carousel
- new version of Revolution slider module

- wishlits product add issue
- blog autthor fix in rich data

[PS 1.7.8] 4.5.5
[!important] - Simple Blog module security upgrade

[PS 1.7.8] 4.5.4
- new version of Revolution slider module
- iqitelementor: new hooks in "content on hooks"
- iqitthemeeditor: new position for category descriptions

- php notice in iqitcrosseling module
- improved view of features in comparator module
- languages fix in iqitadditionaltab
- iqitelementor: video autoplay on iphone device in section background
- iqitelementor: no-cookie youtube iframe in video widget
- iqitfreedeliverycount: hide when free carrier is selected(example pickup in store)
- blog: translation issues
- psgdpr: translation issues
- combination image selection on product page
- few other variouse small bugfixes

[PS] 4.5.3 - 1 February 2022
- ps compability upgrade
- iqitelementor: custom column width per tablet media query
- iqitextenedproduct: possibility to add selfhosted .mp4 video
- iqithtmeeditor: option to show category desciptions above columns
- iqitsocialogin: upgrade of vendor login librares
- show empty image on cart/wislist/compare when tere is no image assigned to product
- php notice in log on category pages
- iqitthemeeditor: missing icons size for header style 8
- php notice on product edit with relatest posts
- fix og:tags when product do not have image
- fixed notifications refresh on cart page
- fixed psgdpr checkbox when two or more newsletter subscritions are on page(example in footer and in content)
- show minimal purschate alert(if total is less that minimal purschase) also on cart dropdown instead checkout button

[PS] 4.5.2
- ps compability upgrade
- blog module update
- new hooks in iqithtmlandbanners

- number per page not visible on some default sorting options

[PS 1.7.7] 4.4.4
- blog module update

[PS 1.7.6] 4.3.9
- blog module update

[PS] 4.5.1

- ps compability upgrade
- option to enable/disable lazyload on images widgets in page buider
lazy load should be disabled on widgets which are above the fold

- iqitreviews translations problems
- link to anchor problems
- error throwed in menu when selected category do not exist anymore

[PS 1.7.8] 4.5.0 11 October 2021

- ps 1.7.8.x compability upgrade
- php 7.4 compability check

[PS 1.7.7] 4.4.3

- ps compability check
- added FAQ rich snippets to accordion widget
- new hooks avaiable in "content on hooks" of elementor

- carusel pause on hover when autoplay is enabled
- fixed issues in iqithtmlandbanners module
- improved lazyload
- infinity scroll histor back button fixed
- problem with menu overflow
- problem with ajax contact form widget in elementor
- revslider uploads problems on some server configs
- bunch of other small adjustments

[PS 1.7.6] 4.3.8 - 10 February 2021
- elementor instagram widget

[PS 1.7.7 only] 4.4.2 - 5 February 2021

- ps compability check
- new hooks in "content on hooks"
- change from slick carousel plugin to swiper(newer with better performancance, better touch support and fix for layout shifting issues)

- instagram api problems - steps to do after upgrade
- fix revolution sliders problems on 1.7.7
- show elementor created manufacturer description in product tabs if enabled
- problem with saving elementor product description if there was added language to shop after module install
- page preloader and footer reaveal issues
- improved speed of fontawesome and google font load
- revolutionslider ajaxerror
- products order in megamenu
- attachment send from elementor contact form

[PS 1.7.7 only] 4.4.0 - 4 December 20

+ general: Prestashop 1.7.7.x support - it works only with 1.7.7, if you have older version upgrade presashop first
+ general: 'displayAboveMobileMenu', 'displayBelowMobileMenu' hooks added to iqithtmlandbanners and to "content on hooks" in page bulder
+ general: support for new version of prestashop productcomments module
+ iqitelementor: possiblit to choose to open in new window links in image hotspot widget
+ iqitextenedproduct: 360 pictures are now generated with new js plugin

- product list refresh after add to cart for check qty
- better loading of products carousels
- remove infinity of carusel in zoom modal for thumbs
- hover action is removed from smarpthone from product miniature to avoid need of double click on ios devices
- column product images transform to caruses on mobile devices
- iqitelementor: fix for empty css style values
- iqitelementor: backend performance improvmants during edit
- few other small bugfixe

[PS 1.7.6] 4.3.7 - 22 October 20

+ general: RTL languages support

- product list refresh after add to cart for check qty
- google login button adjusted to goole ui
- meta titles in blog listing

[PS 1.7.6] 4.3.6 - 8 October 20

+ general: 3 new demos to import + contact page layouts
+ iqitthemeeditor: 2 new header styles
+ iqitthemeeditor: possible to show to images per row in column view of product images on product page
+ iqitthemeeditor: accordion view of products data on product page
+ iqitthemeeditor: posibiltty of move product datas(tabs or accordion) to below add to cart on product page
+ iqitthemeeditor: new option of facated search design for above product list hook(each filter showed as dropdown)
+ iqitthemeeditor: design options for checkout page(simple footer, header)
+ iqitelementor: added z-index option to columns and widgets
+ iqitelementor: possible to set description in banner widget separatly per device

- live theemeditor preview problem on some configurations
- iqitcompare fix
- iqitelementor: fix of autoplay of mp4 video in latest browsers
- quickview product images when column images option is selected

[PS 1.7.6] 4.3.5 - 25 September 20

+ iqitthemeeditor: possibiloty to integrate google tag manager by id
+ iqitthemeeditor: possibiloty to disable product image zoom
+ iqitthemeeditor: new product page layput - product images in one column, not in carousel with sticky right column
+ iqitthemeeditor: new position for functional buttons
+ iqitcompare: new positions and options (confogiration is inside iqitthemeeditor - options - compare)
+ iqitreviews: added psgdpr compability
+ iqitelementor: added anchor widget - used for scroll to element on pages + added smooth scrolling css solution
+ iqitelementor: added search widget
+ iqitelementor: added ajax contact form widget
+ iqitelementor: image size selector in brands widget
+ iqitelementor: Content on Hooks - place elementor created content in variouse hooks
+ iqitelementor: Manufacturer extended description support
+ iqitelementor: block links widget
+ iqitlinksmanager: option to open custom links in new window
+ blog: added external url post type
+ general: qty selector with buttons in ajax cart block
+ general: qty selector with buttons in product listings
+ general: move accessoreis from sidebar to product footer on mobile devices

- search page meta tags
- iqitelementor: better multistore support
- blog: canonical urls fix
- other few small bugfixes

[PS 1.7.6] 4.3.4 - 9 July, 2020
- ajax product removal from cart box
- ”out of stock with posibiloty to order’ label on list view
- fixes in iqitsearch + possibility do disable additional search(blog posts and brands)

[PS 1.7.6] 4.3.3 - 7 July, 2020

==== # You need to use Prestasho 1.7.6.x at least to use Warehouse 4.3.x

About prestashop upgrade - READ -
It is important to use latest version of upgrade module for upgrading

- Version dedicated for Prestashop

+ Prestashop and compability check
+ option to have sticky add to cart button on mobile devices
+ option to have customer/user dropdown menu in header with links
+ option to set separate colors for "out of stock with posibiloty to order' label
+ google gtag id fieleld in thmeeeditor for easy adding of google tag/anatlitycs
+ iqitsearch: Search also return blog posts and brands
+ blog: addded blog to sitemap frontoffice controller
+ iqithtmlandbanners: new hooks for blocks
+ iqitextendedproduct : speed setting for 360 images in module
+ iqitelementor: separete value for images per line setting depend on viewport in image carusel widget
+ iqitelementor: Lottie animations widget
+ iqitelementor: Usage of new Instagram api in widget + posibiloty to get feed by tag also
+ iqitelementor: possible to put mp4 video in video widget in addition to youtube and vimeo

- iqitelementor: slow editing on some servers configurations
- iqitelementor: possible to select pdf file as link in media manager
- iqitsociallogin: api upgrades- fix for login problem
- iqitreviews: problem with transaltiojs
- iqitadditionaltabs: somebugfixes with languages and support for product duplicate hook
- revolutionslider: some js error issues
- iqitmegamenu: upgrade notification
- blog: google+ removal from blog
- blog: breadcrumb fixes
- blog: og:tags improvmants
- blog: some blog post layout desing fixes
- general: fix for push menu close space click overlay
- general: few other small fixes
- general: litespeed cache support improvmant

[PS 1.7.5] 4.2.3 - 7 July, 2020
+ iqitextendedproduct : speed setting for 360 images in module
+ iqitelementor: separete value for images per line setting depend on viewport in image carusel widget
+ iqitelementor: Lottie animations widget
+ iqitelementor: Usage of new Instagram api in widget + posibiloty to get feed by tag also
+ iqitelementor: possible to put mp4 video in video widget in addition to youtube and vimeo
- iqitelementor: slow editing on some servers configurations
- iqitelementor: possible to select pdf file as link in media manager

[PS 1.7.6] 4.3.2

==== # You need to use Prestasho 1.7.6.x at least to use Warehouse 4.3.x

About prestashop upgrade - READ -
It is important to use latest version of upgrade module for upgrading

- Version dedicated for Prestashop 1.7.6.x

+ Prestashop compability check
+ possible to show price on product page above add to cart(option in themeeditor)

- clear homepagecache on add post

[PS 1.7.6] 4.3.1

==== # You need to use Prestasho 1.7.6.x at least to use Warehouse 4.3.x

About prestashop upgrade - READ -
It is important to use latest version of upgrade module for upgrading

- Version dedicated for Prestashop 1.7.6.x

+ spinner during add to cart on product list
+ upgraded version of blog module(better seo, gsitemap generator compatible)
+ Official Prestashop productcomments module support

- elementor content on cms page will be not broken when cms page edited traditionaly
- fix for saving code before </head> and in themeeditor
- now use custom avaiablity texts on product listings
- add review confirmaiton on mobile devices
- section background video fix for latest mobiles browsers
- browser history with infinity scroll on productlist
- back to top of product list after using pagination
- facebook login popup width improvmant
- installation problems on php 7.2.x +
- missing continoue button on personal information step
- few other small bugfixes

[PS 1.7.6] 4.3.0 - July 23, 2019

==== # You need to use Prestasho 1.7.6.x at least to use Warehouse 4.3.x

About prestashop upgrade - READ -
It is important to use latest version of upgrade module for upgrading

- Version dedicated for Prestashop 1.7.6.x

- compability with ps 1.7.6.x
- revolutionslider module upgrade

[PS 1.7.5] 4.2.2 - June 25, 2019

==== # You need to use Prestasho at least to use Warehouse 4.2.x

About prestashop upgrade - READ -
It is important to use latest version of upgrade module for upgrading

- Version dedicated for Prestashop

- possible to set another logo file for Open graph tags
- price range slider in Prestashop facated search module

- improvmants in rich snippets
- some seo fixes
- few of small bugfixes

[PS 1.7.5] 4.2.1 - 07 January 2019

==== # You need to use Prestasho at least to use Warehouse 4.2.x

About prestashop upgrade - READ -
It is important to use latest version of upgrade module for upgrading

- fix: css issues related to bootstrap switch
- fix: adding to cart from listing pages

[PS 1.7.5] 4.2.0 04 January 2019

==== # You need to use Prestasho at least to use Warehouse 4.2.x

About prestashop upgrade - READ -
It is important to use latest version of upgrade module for upgrading

- new: Prestashop 1.7.5.x - compabilty
- new: upgrade bootstrap library from alpha to 4.2.1. stable
- new: possible to choose url in widgets from media in filemanager
- new: prev, next, canonical tags on blog pagination pages- avoid duplicated content
- new: alert colors options in themeeditor
- new: iqitisizechart: possible to assing chart also to brands
- new: images in iqitelementor are now server from media server if it is used

- fix: manufacturer descriptions button more/less visibiloty
- fix: allow youtube iframe in elementor tinymce souruce code
- fix: iqitadditionaltabs global tabs order not saved
- fix: warning during logout on newsletter subscription confirmation page
- fix: add rel="noopener" to target="_blank" links
- fix: bugfixes in blog post opengraphs tags some

[PS 1.7.4] 4.1.9 - 23July 2018

==== # You need to use Prestasho at least to use Warehouse 4.1.8+

About prestashop upgrade - READ -
It is important to use latest version of upgrade module

- fix: some small design adjustments
- fix: some additional fixes for php 7.2
- fix: "no image" picture on product page

[PS 1.7.4] 4.1.8 - 18 July 2018

==== # You need to use Prestasho at least to use Warehouse 4.1.8

About prestashop upgrade - READ -
It is important to use latest version of upgrade module

- new: compability with Prestashop
- new: compability with PHP 7.2
- new: contact form and newsletter subscription GDPR ready - please upgrade Prestashop core modules "contactform" and "ps_emailsubscription"
- new: Added image hotspots widget in elementor
- new: image carousel widget in eleemntor now lazy load images
- new: option to load Prestashop classic template material icons from themeeditor
- new: Revolution Slider module upgrade
- new: submenu font settings in themeeditor
- new: possible to hide columns and products list on categories page when elementor content is created

- fix: mobile safari photo zoom
- fix: some small isssues
- fix: custom colors for inner tabs
- fix: mobile safari toolbar overlap

[PS 1.6] 3.8.7 - 18 July 2018
+ added: compability wiht latest ps 1.6 realase and gdpr module

[PS 1.7] 4.1.7 - 19 May 2018
+ new: new hook displayMyAccountDashboard
+ new: build in lightspeed module compability, it is not more needed to perform additional steps like this Configuration | LiteSpeed Cache for PrestaShop | LiteSpeed Documentation
+ new: revolution slider upgrade with some bugfixes
+ new: ps compability
+ new: new hooks for iqithtmlandbanners module
+ new: Show all produst option in number products per page selector on product listings
+ new: wyswig editor in tabs and accordion widget elementor
+ new: hreflang attributes
+ new: option to align product buttons add to cart/view button in one line
+ new: option of autoclear homepage elementor cache when some actions in backoffice are made
+ new: possible to set order in brand widget in elemenetor
+ new: autocomplete search on mobile
+ new: elementor page builder also for category pages
+ new: design adjustment to official Prestashop GDPR module
+ new: iqitwishlist added to official Prestashop GDPR module

- fix: revert back delivery options .tpl structure to same as classic template, to avoid potential conflicts with shipping modules
- fix: redirect to my account during editing address when country is changed
- fix: multilanguage in revolution slider
- fix: iqitreviews errors translation problem
- fix: iqitaddthis module upgrade - for compability with latest changes on provider
- fix: bo employers permissions of elementor page builder
- fix: blockcart overlaping with menu when sticky menu is enabled
- fix: backoffice themeeditor translation problem
- fix: load youtube api in elementor page builder only when needed
- fix: show notification message about not enough item in stock on cart page
- fix: improved opengraph tags on blog pages
- fix: iqitcompare multiple features support
- fix: ph_relatedposts section translation issue
- fix: show alert when terms and condition are not checked on checkout
- fix: iqitpopup - when delayed overflowing of othere elements on page
- fix: iqitadditional tabs language switcher on product edit after ps 1.7.3 upgrade
- fix: second image on hover in carousels third slid
- fix: 360 images viewer problem with touch events
- fix: multiple videos in modal in elementor page builder

[PS 1.7] 4.1.6 - 8 March 2018
+ new: ps 1.7.3 support - it is mandatary to use it on 1.7.3, it will not work on older version
+ new: revolution slider module upgrade
+ new: list option design for products in page builder
+ new: next/prev products button are now infinity loop
+ new: possible to change reference code position in product page from themeeditor
+ new: categories in iqitlinskmanager module
+ new: possible to show tab with brand description on product page(option in themeeditor)
+ new: accordion widget in elementor can be collapsed at start
+ new: product page tabs with option switch to acordion on phones(option in themeditor > product page)
+ new: possibility to use also custom font names in elementor page builder additionally to google fonts
+ new: opengraph tags are now added to all pages not only product page
+ new: loading icon on product page when combination is changed(option in themeditor > product page)
+ new: Apple and Android touch icons(in themeeditor > responsive/mobile)

- fix: brand url in elementor page builder
- fix: cloned prodcuct details tab after changing attribute
- fix: doubled manufactuer descriptions
- fix: changed h1 tags of products names on products listings
- fix: mobile menu(when accordion menu type is selected) scroll when sticky mobile header is enabled
- fix: improved page preloader icon
- fix: possible to hook iqitwishlist module to displayHeaderButtonsMobile hook(helpfull when it is hooked to displayHeaderButton instead of displayNav)
- fix: login for is now expanded on checkout page if authentication failed, correct message is now visible
- fix: problem with adding videos or 360 images to products on smaller screen resolutions
- fix: some elementor save issues when editing blog post non default language only

[PS 1.7] 4.1.5 - 20 December 2017
+ new: HOT - social login plugin - allow customer login to your shop with Google, Facebook and Twitter
+ new: paddings per device for elementor banenr widget
+ new: quick view next/prev product buttons on product lists
+ new: iqitdashboardnews module added - show notification about theme upgrades dashboard
+ new: cart in sticky menu
+ new: possible to show iqitadditionaltabs module as accordion below "add to cart" on product page
+ new: infinite loop product carusels in elementor option
+ new: link rel canoninal, next, prev added for better seo
+ new: social links now open in new window

- fix: show related post tab only when they exist for product
- fix: themes\warehouse\assets\css\error.css added back to template, it was missing in maintance page
- fix: iqitextendedproduct problem with product active/deactive
- fix: visible shoppingcart and add cart button in catalog mode or when price disabled for custoemr group
- fix: conflict with express checkout button of paypal on product page
- fix: addthis becomes invisible when combination is change
- fix: themeeditor, page builder and megamenu file uploader now retuns relative path to images
- fix: forgot password page mobile design issue
- fix: iqitmegamenu producte search issue in backoffice caused by latest chrome upgrade
- fix: some small IE11 design issues

# Additional info:
- added: 2 more styles

[PS 1.7] 4.1.4 - 18 November 2017
+ new: HOT - infinity scroll option for product lists
+ new: show product brand name on product lists option
+ new: preloader icon for lazyload images
+ new: child template sample package added to package
+ new: iqitelementor: show product by brand option
+ new: iqitsizechart - show avaiable sizes on product list
+ new: iqitcrosseling module added, it replace default ps_crosseling module and allows to show crosselings in add to cart confirmation modal
+ new: mobile browser(Chrome, Firefox, Safari) address/header bar color option - example + new: improved order confirmation page
+ new: possible to replace breadcrumb background with category image

- fix: category description position selector in theme editor
- fix: alt tag for elementor images widgets
- fix: back to top button disable/enable in themeeditor issue
- fix: not clickable arrow on selectbox
- fix: instagram photo padding problem when there was height limit set
- fix: gift textarea collapse after returing back again to shipping tab
- fix: small issue in mobile footer toggler
- fix: returning back to default ps wyswig editor instead of elementor in blog and cms pages
- fix: progressbar widget in elementor
- fix: better look of video popup on product page / stop video on modal close
- fix: show texture attributes same way as color attributes in facated search
- fix: also show old price in iqitmegamenu
- fix: improved cache in some modules
- fix: problem with opening mobile menu after add to cart
- fix: partial overlaping of close button by address bar when zoom modal is open and scrolled
- fix: filter box overflow on iphone if set to be above product list
- fix: remove need for double click on color switcher on product page

[PS 1.6] 3.8.6 - 18 November 2017
+ added: layered navigation as button above product list in mobile devices

- fix: addThis module fixed
- fix: add alt to iqitmegamenu module and to iqitcontencreator
- fix: some improvmant in mobile sticky header when search is expanded
- fix: price rounding in rich snippets

[PS 1.7] 4.1.3 - 1 November 17
+ added: prestashop compability update
+ added: related posts module - show related post on product page, configurable from product edit in bo
+ added: full width menu background option
+ added: full width horizontal submenu option
+ added: custom tpl widget in elementor
+ added: free delivery countdown is also added to small cart notification
+ added: sizeguide visible also in quickview
+ added: loader icon to facated product search
+ added: Linkedin social link

- fix: touch screen laptops issues
- fix: small issues in iqitelementor
- fix: blog meta title, descriptions and keywords
- fix: adding to wishlist from quick view window
- fix: image blink effect on product page on qty or attribute change
- fix: issue with local custom font
- fix: ajax search products order
- fix: addthis module custom id
- fix: better qty change on cart page using input field
- fix: amount left for free delivery currency conversion
- fix: cms category selection in mobile menu

# Additional info: issues with ajax search missing images on PS - it is needed to apply fix from future ps version Add cover to allowed properties in ajax requests by iqit-commerce · Pull Request #8447 · PrestaShop/PrestaShop

[PS 1.7] 4.1.2
- 6 new theme styles
- possible to hook wishlist module in displayHeaderButtons, so it will be showed next to cart on header
- fix for problem with elementor content saving when there was alink in wyswig content added in cms pages or blog pages
- bunch of small bugfixes

[PS 1.6] 3.8.5
- bugfixing for availability label and blog covers upload

[PS 1.7] 4.1.1
- HOT - HTML banners widget in Page builder module
- possible to select where to show manufacturer logo on product page
- option to put product thumbails on left column only on desktops
- possible to select grid product title lenght (auto/one line/two lines/three lines)
- fix for footer reaveal in Safari browsers
- few other small bugfixes

[PS 1.6] 3.8.4
- compability upgrade to ps

[PS 1.7] WAREHOUSE 4.1 stable
- Bunch bug fixes(translations issues, iqitthemeeditor issues, page builder issues and others)
- NEW - blog module for 1.7 - with possibility to create post using page builder, posts widget in page builder
- Prestashop compability

[PS 1.6] WAREHOUSE 3.8.3 CHANGELOG 30.08.2017
- compability update with ps
- some small bufixes
- update of twitter module
- fix touch action for Chrome 56+
- addthis module upgrade
- fontawesome upgrade

[PS 1.7] WAREHOUSE 4.0 beta
- initial realase for ps 1.7



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