WordPress Latest Posts v4.5.5 - latest news plugin

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The most advanced WordPress news plugin. Automatically format all your posts, pages, custom post types with one of 6 included themes. Each news block can be customized individually: select your content source (posts, pages...), filter your content with a variety of options, select a theme and you're done!

WP Latest Postsincludes 6 built-in themes, and it's not just themes, they really change the way you display your news content. The themes are responsive and each theme has a separate configuration so you just need to focus on your content and our WordPress news plugin will do the rest. You can define colors to match the latest news to your theme design with just one click. Topic list:
- Default theme: blank layout, easy to customize
- Smooth hover: news with slider layout
- Masonry news wall with category grid: compact masonry wall
- Masonry wall grid: masonry news wall with text snippet
- Portfolio: image based presentation
- Timeline: content is displayed based on dates (in chronological order)


  • wp-latest-posts-addon-4_5_5 (1).zip
    979.2 KB · Views: 11