WordPress WooCommerce Wallet v2.9.9 - own WooCommerce wallet

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WooCommerce Wallet
WooCommerce Wallet is a WordPress plugin that allows your customers to checkout/pay with their wallet using the funds they have already deposited into their account.

This is a WooCommerce Wallet and Refund system that allows users to pay using the funds they have already deposited into their account and allows the administrator to refund the amount directly to the user's wallet.

Users with wallets are listed together in the table, when a new user makes a deposit or an admin adds funds for that user, it will be added to the table. The administrator can add funds, withdraw funds or block the balance of wallets. If the user's balance is blocked, he can no longer use it for verification.


  • woocommerce-wallet-2_9_9 (1).zip
    220.7 KB · Views: 11