Opencart-SEO Meta Tag Generator v2.0 (categories, products, manufacturers, articles), SEO URL - Multilanguage

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The SEO module generator of meta descriptions (tags), URLs, duplicates, allows you to optimize all categories and products, manufacturers, articles with support for store languages. Very easy to operate. Saves information about filling by putting marks, also provide functionality for overwriting. All that is required of you is to set a template for filling meta.
Implemented Multilanguage generating meta tags and URLs, as well as searching for duplicates in all connected store languages !!!

Also added is the ability to automatically generate missing SEO URLs in products, categories, manufacturers and articles in all languages of the store, with additional functionality for rewriting existing ones. When you click on the Refresh CNC (SEO URL) button, the module puts the URL in all products and categories, manufacturers, articles in which they are missing. Ability to eliminate duplicate SEO URLs.

1. For OS 3 --- Install the archive through Install extensions, clear the cache.
2. For OS 2 --- Copy the admin folder to the site root.


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