prestashop-1.6-1.7-8.0 Prestashop advanced Search 5 PRO : Filters and facets SEO Module 5.0.1


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Boost your SEO thanks to the faceted navigation created by the Pro version of the Advanced Search 5 module. Set up an advanced search by filters and automatically generate multiple SEO-optimized results pages, also called facets

Advanced Search 5 Pro: a strong partner for your SEO

The Pro version of Advanced Search 5 is a real advantage for improving your SEO. It includes a generator of SEO-optimized results pages, also known as facets, which allows you to increase your visibility and, without duplicate content!

Select the criteria on which you want to improve your SEO, order them and, with one click, automatically generate the meta tags (title, description, keywords), the H1 tag, and the simplified URL. Write SEO content for the top of the page and another one for the bottom. Finally, link the SEO pages together automatically using cross-links. And that's it, your facet is created!

Do you want to quickly generate multiple SEO pages? That's possible! Select your criteria, validate and you get hundreds of pages listing your products, with the SEO elements automatically generated and the cross-links between the pages created.
You can also easily copy the URLs of the generated SEO pages to add them to your menu, footer, slideshows, or blocks and facilitate indexing by Google. Maximize your notoriety by sharing these results pages on your social networks and in your newsletters.

Offer a step-by-step search to your visitors

The Pro version of the Advanced Search 5 module offers an additional type of search compared to the standard version of the module: the step-by-step search. Guide your visitors in their search by asking them to fill in their criteria in a precise order. The different filters are displayed and refined as the criteria are entered.

Customize your search engines even more with images

Do you want to display your criteria as images? No problem, the module allows you to add one image per criterion and language of your store. Use this feature to best represent the brands you sell! You can also add an image to each type of filter to further customize your search engines.

What additional features does the PRO version of Advanced Search 5 offer compared to the standard version?

In addition to all the features of the standard version, the PRO version of the Advanced Search 5 module offers you the following features:

1) Automatic SEO page generation tool (facets)

  • Two possibilities: the creation of result pages one by one or in a bulk action
  • Manual selection of the pages on which to make cross-links or activation of the automatic creation of links between the generated pages (bulk action)
  • Simple tool (by drag and drop) to select the criteria on which you want to improve your SEO
  • Automatic generation of SEO tags (meta title, meta description, meta keywords, H1 title tag) and simplified URL (all these fields are then freely customizable)
  • Possibility to regenerate SEO metals (bulk action is possible)
  • Possibility to create, for each language of the store, SEO content that will be visible at the top of the page, and another that will be visible at the bottom of the page
  • Possibility to list all URLs in HTML or CSV version to be able to add them where you want (in your menu, footer, blocks, slideshows, etc...) and facilitate indexation by Google
  • One-click access to the Advanced Search sitemap

2) Setting up a step-by-step search

This Pro version offers you the possibility to set up a new type of search, the step-by-step search. The user selects his criteria in a precise order while having the possibility to skip a group of criteria if he wants. The groups of criteria are displayed and adapted dynamically as they are displayed. The search is launched automatically when the criteria are selected in the last step. Customers can then restart the search at the stage of their choice.

3) Customization of criteria groups using images

  • Possibility to display the criteria of your filters as images (multilingual configuration)
  • Possibility to customize the display of your filter types by associating an image (multilingual configuration)

What is new in Advanced Search 5 compared to Advanced Search 4?

  • Advanced Search version 5 is available in two versions:
-a standard version: the essential search features at a reduced cost
-a Pro version: the standard version with, in addition, the generation of facets (SEO pages), the step-by-step search, and the image criteria (see details of these features above)
  • New interface design
  • Improved performance on the largest catalogs (in the number of products and/or in the number of criteria)
  • Improved performance of the step-by-step search
  • Improvements in the management of the criteria combination between groups, specific prices, and restrictions to customer groups,...
  • New search mode allowing, after launching the search, to be redirected directly to a page dedicated to the results (useful for searches from a homepage for example)
  • Added additional sorting on category pages when subcategory product display is active
  • Added breadcrumbs to the results pages (CMS, brands, suppliers...) to return more easily to the original page
  • Ability to add SEO content to generated results pages
  • Improved URL structure when paging
  • Added alternate_langs metas
  • Compatibility with new text search modules (init, press search)
  • Compatibility with the defer mode (JavaScript), especially with the ETS Super Speed module


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