prestashop-1.6-1.7-8.0 Prestashop Joli Search: advanced visual search Module 4.4.3


Staff member

Other features
Smart presentation of results
  • 3 designs available (classic, modern and finder-like)
  • optimized UX for mobile and desktop devices
  • grouping by category and manufacturer
  • show results by category or manufacturer
  • Show product features in the instant search results,
  • Show categories on the search results page

A powerful search engine
  • Increased search speed, especially on large catalogs (tested on catalog containing more than 100 000 products)
  • search within category or manufacturer
  • Option : search with the "AND" operator instead of "OR"
  • Takes spelling and typing errors into account
  • Various options and settings
  • Multistore support

Google Analytics integration
  • the module allows tracking of search terms via Google Analytics (see part « Configuration of Google Analytics » for further information)
WARNING : you may need to deactivate the default instant search module called « Quick Search block » installed by default on Prestashop.
What\'s New in Version 4.4.3 (04/27/2023)
  • use default subcategories template to display subcategories on search results page
  • add option for a CSS selector to open search form on mobile
  • add compatibility with Falcon/Oksydan family themes
  • add compatibility with footwear theme


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