prestashop-1.6-1.7 Prestashop Quickly Edit Bulk/Mass Products, Combination


New member
Quickly Edit Bulk/Mass Products, Combination Module v1.0.21
Checked on the and works without problem!


Quickly Edit ALL fields of products as Name, Images, Combination, Attachments, Specific Price…
You can use this module intead of a lot of modules in Bulk/Mass update category from Prestashop Market
Edit price, categories, images, specific price…. of bulk/mass products, combination at the same time
Review in realtime product information after changed it
Allow Preview/Duplicate/Delete products from list layout
Allow add NEW products from list layout
Support multiple languages, multiple stores
Sort/Search products from list like Helper List in Prestashop’s Core
Allow change postion, sort, on/off any columns in Products List

You can use this module instead of modules

Bulk / Mass editing products Module
Quick edit product / Item Module
Moving and Assigning Products between Categories Module
Mass Product Quantity & Price Update Module

Fields you can Quickly Edit

Products Name, Reference, EAN-13 or JAN barcode, UPC barcode, Status
Category, Associated categories, Accessories
All fields for price, Tax rule, Specific Price
Visibility, Options, Condition
Short description, Description, Tags
All fields in SEO
All fields in Customization
All fields in Shipping
All fields in Combinations
All fields in Suppliers
All fields in Features
All fields in Attachments


  • Quickly Edit BulkMass Products, Combination Module
    633 KB · Views: 15


Staff member
Quickly Edit Bulk/Mass Products, Combination Module v1.0.21
Checked on the and works without problem!


Quickly Edit ALL fields of products as Name, Images, Combination, Attachments, Specific Price…
You can use this module intead of a lot of modules in Bulk/Mass update category from Prestashop Market
Edit price, categories, images, specific price…. of bulk/mass products, combination at the same time
Review in realtime product information after changed it
Allow Preview/Duplicate/Delete products from list layout
Allow add NEW products from list layout
Support multiple languages, multiple stores
Sort/Search products from list like Helper List in Prestashop’s Core
Allow change postion, sort, on/off any columns in Products List

You can use this module instead of modules

Bulk / Mass editing products Module
Quick edit product / Item Module
Moving and Assigning Products between Categories Module
Mass Product Quantity & Price Update Module

Fields you can Quickly Edit

Products Name, Reference, EAN-13 or JAN barcode, UPC barcode, Status
Category, Associated categories, Accessories
All fields for price, Tax rule, Specific Price
Visibility, Options, Condition
Short description, Description, Tags
All fields in SEO
All fields in Customization
All fields in Shipping
All fields in Combinations
All fields in Suppliers
All fields in Features
All fields in Attachments
Search before posting, this module is already uploaded, will be ban incase you don't follow the rules



Staff member
Quickly Edit Bulk/Mass Products, Combination Module v1.0.21
Checked on the and works without problem!


Quickly Edit ALL fields of products as Name, Images, Combination, Attachments, Specific Price…
You can use this module intead of a lot of modules in Bulk/Mass update category from Prestashop Market
Edit price, categories, images, specific price…. of bulk/mass products, combination at the same time
Review in realtime product information after changed it
Allow Preview/Duplicate/Delete products from list layout
Allow add NEW products from list layout
Support multiple languages, multiple stores
Sort/Search products from list like Helper List in Prestashop’s Core
Allow change postion, sort, on/off any columns in Products List

You can use this module instead of modules

Bulk / Mass editing products Module
Quick edit product / Item Module
Moving and Assigning Products between Categories Module
Mass Product Quantity & Price Update Module

Fields you can Quickly Edit

Products Name, Reference, EAN-13 or JAN barcode, UPC barcode, Status
Category, Associated categories, Accessories
All fields for price, Tax rule, Specific Price
Visibility, Options, Condition
Short description, Description, Tags
All fields in SEO
All fields in Customization
All fields in Shipping
All fields in Combinations
All fields in Suppliers
All fields in Features
All fields in Attachments
Please also write before the title of the module like

Prestahop Quickly Edit Bulk/Mass Products, Combination​
